Sunday Worship



North Congregational Church’s Sunday worship service is a mix of fellowship, prayer, scripture readings, message, and traditional music.  Sermons and curriculum generally follow the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). Sunday worship is both in person and live online. Watch here

North Congregational Church utilizes the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.  Our hymnal is The New Century Hymnal (The Pilgrim Press 1995).

Coffee hour follows our worship service – a time for fellowship and catching up with old and new friends.  Coffee, tea, juice, and snacks are served.

North Congregational practices open communion, served six times a year – the first Sundays of January, February, June, October, December, plus Maundy Thursday. All in attendance are welcome to participate.

Special evening worship services are held on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve.  Throughout the year special events add to our worship service, including: baptisms, confirmation, performances of the children’s choir, special music by our Chancel Choir, and our Christmas pageant.