Rev. Lennox Fisher
Senior Minister
Rev. Lennox was ordained in 2018 at Community Congregational Church in South Bend, Indiana, following studies in the Congregational tradition and pastoral mentorship. After his ordination, Rev. Lennox served Congregational churches in southwest Michigan and northern Indiana. He also served as Executive Director of Luvability Ministries, a nonprofit that provides religious and community services for individuals with disabilities, as well as their families and caregivers.
While pursuing his B.A. in American Studies at Hillsdale College, Rev. Lennox concentrated on American Congregationalism, writing his dissertation on Rev. Washington Gladden and the Social Gospel movement. He is currently a fellow in the Congregational Foundation for Theological Studies program of the NACCC, which he is completing alongside his M.Div. studies at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
In volunteer ministry, Rev. Lennox serves as the Communications Director for the International Congregational Fellowship, which will host its quadrennial conference next year in Thessaloniki, Greece. He is also active in The Congregational Retreat Society, an organization grounded in contemplative Christianity that facilitates intentional communal retreats focused on quiet reflection and meditative silence alongside prayer and liturgy.
With deep family roots in the Metro Detroit region, Rev. Lennox is eager to participate in God’s work of love and peace in Christ through the Spirit.

Laurie Meeker
Director of Music

Rev. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Biedron, Minister Emerita (Retired)
Mary (Mimi) Biedron retired in 2023 after serving North Church for twenty-five years. She was installed as Senior Minister of North Congregational Church in February 2011, after serving as Associate Minister of North Church since 1998. Mimi and her husband, Glenn, have three adult daughters. She is a graduate of the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (Master of Divinity – 1999, Doctor of Ministry – 2015), and the University of Michigan (BA 1975). She has served as president of the Southeast Michigan Congregational Clergy and moderator of the Southeastern Michigan Association of Congregational Churches. She also served as Historian for the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, and board member of the Congregational Library and Archives. Mimi was the long-time Coordinator of the Farmington/Farmington Hills/West Bloomfield CROP Walk, and is past president of the Farmington Area Interfaith Association.

Rev. Dr. Mark P. Jensen, Minister Emeritus (Retired)
Mark retired from North Congregational Church in October 2010, after more than 30 years of service as Senior Minister.
Mark Jensen came to North Congregational Church from Boston with his family in 1980. Community service positions have included the Farmington/Farmington Hills Community Foundation Board of Trustees, Presidency of the Farmington Area Interfaith Association and moderator of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. Mark is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and Colgate Rochester Divinity School.
Support Staff
Patricia Butler, Organist
Jan Henzie, Office Communications